Friday, September 25, 2009

The Unicorn and the Bumble Bee

Melts my heart every time...
Waking up Daddy in the morning- one of Hazel's favorite family traditions:Does it get any better than this?

Ok, so we're going to go ahead and call Sept. 25th a bust in the life of Hazel Rose Thrash. Here's bebe- modeling a sneak peek at Halloween fashion (I couldn't stop laughing and even though it was about 95 degrees in our house, I kept the poor thing in that fuzzy fleece outfit because I was so entertained.)
Well the Queen Bee of Capo Beach must have heard that someone was rivaling her in cuteness and sent her cronies out to take care of business. We were on the way home from a tailgate party and Hazy belts out screaming in the far back of Larry the Van. Low and behold, She got stung by a bee right on the chest. Oh yeah, and that was AFTER sweet stuff acquired that huge unicorn knot/bruise/scrape on her forehead while taking a digger onto cement this morning while I was with my Mama friends. The girl is tough.

A rough day in this life of this little one! But don't worry, the bulldozer hasn't been fazed a bit. In fact, she came home and proved that she wasn't gonna let a couple of sissy little injuries hold her down. Here are the first steps we've been able to capture on film!